
Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italiano


A few years ago I met Dentosophie, a holistic discipline dedicated to the care, health and harmonization of teeth and mouth. That encounter changed my perspective forever and has become one of the most extraordinary surprising and enlightening adventures of my entire life.


Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.


I always had a very special relationship with teeth.

Even as a child, I was fascinated by these small smooth white pearls revealed by the smile, which, like a chest suddenly opened, showed his white treasure. When I found out that teeth, so perfect, could get sick, break down and even die, I had such a shock that I refused to watch my mouth open for all the years to come. From that moment, I developed a kind of little phobia: I never faced a dental visit in peace again.

I felt, now I know, betrayed by that visible part of my body that could be damaged and die without regeneration. Skin and bones can return healthy and solid, teeth don’t. If decayed or chipped, they don’t  grow back. This vision disturbed me a lot. Growing up, I learned to deal with dental visits with maturity, but always with some concern. Let’s say that teeth and their fate were not really my favorite topic.

One day about 7-8 years ago, however, I encountered a book that changed my life: Denti e salute, di Michel Montaud (Teeth and Health, by Michel Montaud) .


Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.

It ‘s true: if we have something important to tell, we should write a book, because somewhere there is someone who is waiting for it.

I waited for decades for these pages, which starting from the cover – white, pure, luminous- healed my relationship with my teeth.

This book introduced me to an extraordinary holistic approach to health.

Dentosophie (or maybe Dentosophy in English) literally ‘wisdom of teeth’, is a therapeutic discipline born in France, concerned with the wellness of the mouth in order to treat the whole person. It assumes that a healthy and balanced mouth represents a pillar of overall health. This discipline aims to take care of our teeth through a holistic approach. A respectful and natural therapeutical approach, which takes into account the entire body, in its physical, mental and emotional plane, considering the condition of the mouth a reflection of the general wellbeing.

A balanced mouth involves deeper aspects related to its various functions: a correct position of the tongue, a good nasal breathing, a harmonious chewing.

The mouth of an individual who is in harmonious growth in every aspect of his being should be healthy, balanced and present strong, firm and well-aligned teeth. According to this vision, crooked teeth, problems of occlusion and a lack of harmonious development of the jaws have specific psycho-emotional causes, which led to interruptions or deviations in the ideal development of teeth and bones. The manner in which the teeth are arranged depends on many aspects, such as the story of our emotional responses and their reflections in the physical structure and habits. For example how we breathe, chew, move, the postures we assume, the tensions we carry in our body.

Teeth, like a treasure map, show us the history of interruptions and deviations from the original plan of organic and harmonious development. Reaching out to the completion of this plan to take it back and bring it to realization, means to understand what happened to us. We can re-read our biography and our personal history from a psycho-emotional point of view, in order to encourage the restoration of the complete and perfect development we were destined to achieve.


Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.


Dentosophie proposes this holistic journey through specific exercises (simple and affordable for everyone, just few minutes a day) with a delicate and multi-purpose tool, developed by a vision opposed to the classic dentistry. It’s a particular device, called activator, which helps the patient to activate the balance within its mouth.

The multifunctional activator developed in the Fifties by Soulet and Besombes is a very valuable tool in this therapy.

It is a functional rehabilitation unit made of natural rubber latex, which performs an action on muscles and proprioception.

It is used in all types of dysmorphisms, it is suitable for all ages and available in different sizes that are only slightly retouched to suit the individual patient. It is also economical, pleasant and easy to use.

Simultaneously with the re-education of the tongue position, swallowing, breathing and symmetry are restored in the muscles of the jaw and temporomandibular joint.

In fact, its use is a real exercise of spiritual meditation, that leads to enter the natural personal pace of breathing, chewing and swallowing.

The ” chewing ” exercise with the activator must be done with gentleness and paying attention to fine movements, bringing awareness to the shape of the arches and the position of the teeth.

Its ‘generic’ form, the softness and elasticity cause a stimulation of the cusps of the teeth, which role of information carriers in the central nervous system just begins to be placed in light.

(Taken from – Articolo di Clara Scropetta e Francesco Santi: Aam Terra Nuova • giugno 2005))


With classical methods, teeth are pushed from the outside, through mechanical forcing, and induced in a position which presents an aesthetically perfect smile.

With Dentosophie however, they are helped to achieve naturally the position that was always intended for them, thanks to a complex self-healing system.

The cusps of the teeth, rich in nerve receptors, are stimulated by the work of the multifunctional activator to send stimuli to the brain as if they were still in the growth phase. This action causes the nervous system to a re-mapping of the mouth as a whole, leading to a new moment of completion of jaw and palate growth. This process culminates in self-straightening of the teeth.  The natural ability to modify the occlusion and align it more harmoniously is in fact activated. Yes, I know, it sounds like science fiction … but it’s what happens.

Yes, I know, it sounds like science fiction … but it’s what happens.

By practising Dentosophie, at any age you can expect these results:

  • teeth move
  • bites are corrected
  • blockages are put in place
  • the mouth reaches harmony
  • the tongue learns to stand in its natural position
  • breathing and swallowing are perfected
  • smiles and faces change in harmony.

All without some externally imposed force.

Activators, in fact, are non-customized railroad tracks, hints, barely sketched roads. They are raw paths drawn to give stimulation to the teeth, in order to make them move, try their way and find their correct position in the mouth and in the world.

How this holistic magic can happen will become clear by reading the book mentioned above and the book La bocca della salute by Dr. Francesco Santi.  Unfortunately,  they are both in Italian. I know about the French version of Teeth and Health, by Michel Montaud, but I couldn’t find an English or Spanish translation. If anyone knows a translation, please notify me.


Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.


Another remarkable aspect of the Dentosophie is that the results are definitive and stable: there are no relapses. Relapses are the return to the initial situation that is increasingly observed in classical dentistry after dental treatment has come to an end and has been suspended. In traditional dental treatments, that occurrence forces to a lifetime involvement of an instrument that maintains the results. In Dentosophie the balance achieved after the end of treatment is maintained without any intervention of “containment”. In fact,  there is nothing to hold: the mouth has voluntarily transformed naturally, restoring by itself the harmony that was physiologically programmed since birth.

My partner and I are practicing Dentosophie.  I started some years ago, he’s doing it for about one and we both achieve extraordinary results:

  • teeth straightened and realigned, less crowded,
  • incredible changes at the level of the shape of the arches and jaws,
  • improvement of the occlusion,
  • change in chewing,
  • re-education to breathing,
  • improved posture
  • solved problems related to ear canals
  • support and incentive for embracing psycho-emotional changes


Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.


The benefits are not only physical, Dentosophie gives us the opportunity to use our teeth as a learning area for the transformation of ourselves.

Its application is recommended in all types of conditions and at all ages – the treatment is such that no one can be excluded from its benefits.


Dentosophie: a holistic and natural approach to healthy teeth and mouth.


Photos of me: Sara Baj

Photos of the books by me.
































  1. Erga Sonnenberg
    August 28, 2017 / 1:19 pm

    hi thank you for this very interesting post . so you know how I can find a dentist that work with this philosophy in germany..i can only find very little information mostly in French online.

    • Valentina
      December 4, 2017 / 1:00 pm

      Thank you so much Lola!!! I really appreciate the contribute!

  2. Karen
    February 11, 2018 / 12:37 am

    I would love to learn more about this. Are there any practitioners in the USA?

    • Valentina
      May 1, 2018 / 11:45 pm

      Dear Karen, I’m so happy to hear from you. You can contact directly the french website for further information and maybe they can help you find holistic dentists who practise this approach in your Country. I’ll be happy to hear again from you and about your future holistic dental journey. Keep me posted 🙂

      • Brad
        November 2, 2022 / 2:39 pm

        Yes but it’s entirely in a language English people cant read so his website is useless. Even web searches bring up nothing for us over here. Such a wonderful philosophy and practice, yet pretty much impossible for anyone living in the United States to find. Very sad and disappointing.

  3. Rachel
    April 19, 2018 / 7:47 am

    Hi Valentina – thank you so much for this. I am in England and very interested in this approach. I will buy the books as I have friends who can translate for me. Can you tell me where I can buy the tool needed? Do you have a web address where I can order this online? And its name? Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information.

    • Valentina
      May 1, 2018 / 11:42 pm

      Dear Rachel, I’m so happy to hear from you. Thank you to you! The tool needed is usually provided by the dentist, I don’t think you can buy it elsewhere. You can contact directly the french website for further information and maybe and maybe they can help you find holistic dentists who practise this approach in your Country. I’ll be happy to hear again from you and about your future holistic dental journey. Best of luck!

  4. adele
    June 4, 2018 / 10:25 am

    Dear Valentina

    Thank you for your information.
    Considering your interest holistic health I thought the following might interest you.
    I have been helping patients with various dental problems using Eurythmy exercises.
    These exercises address the underlying disharmony in the organism that ulimately expresses itself in the teeth.
    You can find related videos on youtube or to get an idea of what eurythmy is.

    Best regards

  5. October 4, 2018 / 7:21 pm

    hi everybody
    my name is Isabelle Camhi
    I am a oral surgeon and dental holistic practionner since 1994, in Nogent sur Marne, a lovely place near Paris, France
    I met Michel Montaud theory and studies in April 2018 for the first time.
    I loved it and immediately booked the formation with him starting in january 2019.
    I’ll be soon able to help interested patients with this extraordinary method.
    the treatement will be affordable, around 110 dollars per month, for one two or three years.
    The results are amazing
    You can contact me by my website: if you want some explanations and advices

  6. Bee
    November 5, 2018 / 10:51 pm

    Hello Isabelle,

    if the prices are what you tell, it means this is not more affordable than the brackets, but more expensive. Maybe’s better that you wait for actually take the course, get some information from the source and have some practice before telling the price. It would feel more realistic.

  7. February 11, 2022 / 9:16 pm

    I just finished Michel Montaud’s latest book, The Wisdom of Teeth, in English, and I’m left wondering, where can I acquire my own personal multifunctional activator in the US or Portugal?

  8. July 18, 2023 / 6:57 am

    I came across this beautiful blog (thank you for this) searching like many of you for the Activator of Dentosofia. I lived in Italy, near Modena and found by faith an amazing Dentist:
    Silvana Santoro. She practises in Bologna and she was in Savignano sul Panaro, outside Vignola, near Modena. She helped me with my many oral/orthodental issues and my sons too. I can thank her enough and highly recommend her.
    We live for a while in the US and I am searching for myofunctional therapists. My dentist and friend explained it that the dentists and orthodentists dont like to work together with myofunctional therapists as they are cheaper and non-invasive and present a rather threat to the dental industry.
    I am trying to introduce the activators to the US, to New Jersey.

    So….please contact me if you can help. thank you

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